General Advice · 26. June 2018
No matter what your fitness goal is, whether it be fat loss, strength/ muscle gain, or cardiac rehab... The best piece of fitness equipment you can buy is the one you’re going to use the most. Think about it.
General Advice · 05. November 2017
The Dos and Dont's of replacing treadmill belts
General Advice · 18. October 2017
One question we would get in the field before fixing fitness equipment is, should I buy a new or used one? Or, in the case where someone already has a treadmill, bike, or elliptical - should I fix my existing unit? I worked with a number of retailers and their goal is to upsell upsell upsell on product, then get you into a 3 or 5 year extended warranty where they make 50 point margins, and don't forget the other add-ons (lubricant, mat, hr straps) plus 8% tax and delivery!!! Many consider it to...